Harnessing Resealed Erythrocytes for Advanced Drug Delivery Applications
The use of resealed erythrocytes as drug delivery vehicles has emerged as a promising approach in advanced therapeutic applications. These biocompatible carriers offer unique advantages, including prolonged circulation time, reduced immunogenicity, and the ability to encapsulate a wide range of therapeutic agents, from small molecules to macromolecules. This study explores the potential of resealed erythrocytes in drug delivery, focusing on the techniques used for their preparation, the types of drugs that can be encapsulated, and the mechanisms by which these cells release their cargo in a controlled manner. Additionally, the challenges and limitations associated with this technology are critically examined, along with the current state of clinical research and potential future applications. By harnessing the natural properties of erythrocytes, this innovative drug delivery system holds significant promise for enhancing the efficacy and safety of treatments for a variety of diseases, paving the way for more targeted and personalized therapeutic strategies.
Resealed erythrocytes, drug delivery, targeted therapy, encapsulation, biocompatible carriersHow to Cite
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