Enhanced Exergy Analysis of a Combined Gas Power Cycle with Humidification
The pursuit of optimizing energy systems for higher efficiency and sustainability has led to the advancement of various thermodynamic analysis methods. This study presents an enhanced exergy analysis of a combined gas power cycle integrated with humidification, aimed at assessing and improving the performance of advanced power generation systems. Exergy analysis, which evaluates the quality and usefulness of energy, provides a comprehensive understanding of energy losses and potential improvements in power cycles. This paper explores the application of exergy analysis to a combined gas power cycle with humidification to quantify performance enhancements and identify key areas for optimization.
Objective and Methodology
The primary objective of this research is to perform an in-depth exergy analysis of a combined gas power cycle augmented with a humidification process. The combined gas power cycle, which typically includes a gas turbine cycle and a steam turbine cycle, is augmented by introducing a humidification process to enhance its efficiency and output. The study employs advanced exergy analysis techniques to evaluate the energy and exergy flows within the system, considering both the gas turbine and steam turbine sections, as well as the humidification unit.
The methodology involves constructing a detailed thermodynamic model of the combined gas power cycle with humidification. This model incorporates the relevant thermodynamic properties and operational parameters of each component, including the gas turbine, heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), steam turbine, and humidification system. Using this model, the exergy analysis is performed to determine the exergy destruction and exergy efficiency of the system.
Enhanced Exergy Analysis, Combined Gas Power Cycle, Humidification, Thermodynamic Efficiency, Energy Utilization, Power Cycle OptimizationHow to Cite
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