Peer Review Process

At Hansen Publication, we are committed to ensuring the integrity and quality of the research published in our journals through a rigorous and transparent peer review process. This process is designed to provide constructive feedback, enhance the quality of published research, and uphold the standards of academic excellence.

1. Submission

  • Initial Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts through our online submission system. Each submission is accompanied by a cover letter that outlines the significance and originality of the research and specifies any potential conflicts of interest.

  • Preliminary Assessment: Upon submission, the manuscript undergoes an initial assessment by the editorial team to determine its suitability for the journal’s scope and adherence to submission guidelines.

2. Peer Review

  • Reviewer Selection: If the manuscript passes the initial assessment, it is assigned to independent, expert reviewers who are selected based on their expertise in the relevant field. We strive to ensure that reviewers have no conflicts of interest with the authors or the content of the manuscript.

  • Review Process: Each manuscript is typically reviewed by two to four reviewers. The peer review process is double-blind, meaning that both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other. This helps to ensure impartial and unbiased evaluations.

  • Review Criteria: Reviewers assess the manuscript based on several criteria, including:

    • Originality and Significance: The novelty and importance of the research and its contribution to the field.
    • Methodology: The soundness and appropriateness of the research methods and statistical analyses.
    • Results and Interpretation: The clarity and validity of the results and their interpretation.
    • Clarity and Presentation: The organization, clarity, and coherence of the writing, as well as the accuracy of figures and tables.
    • Ethical Considerations: Compliance with ethical standards, including proper citation of sources and the handling of human or animal subjects.
  • Reviewer Feedback: Reviewers provide detailed feedback and recommendations, which may include suggestions for revisions, additional experiments, or clarifications. The feedback is intended to improve the manuscript’s quality and scientific rigor.

3. Decision Making

  • Editorial Decision: Based on the reviewers’ feedback, the editor makes a decision regarding the manuscript. The possible decisions include:

    • Accept: The manuscript is accepted for publication with no further revisions.
    • Minor Revisions: The manuscript is accepted pending minor revisions, which the authors are required to address before final acceptance.
    • Major Revisions: The manuscript requires substantial revisions. Authors are asked to make the necessary changes and resubmit for another round of review.
    • Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication. Authors are provided with reasons for rejection and may appeal the decision or submit the manuscript to another journal.
  • Revised Manuscripts: If revisions are required, authors must submit a revised manuscript along with a detailed response to reviewers' comments. The revised manuscript is then reviewed again by the original or additional reviewers, as necessary.

4. Publication

  • Final Acceptance: Once a manuscript is accepted, it undergoes final editing and proofreading. Authors are provided with proofs for review and are required to approve the final version before publication.

  • Publication: The accepted manuscript is published in the journal and made available to the public under an open-access model, ensuring broad dissemination and accessibility.

5. Post-Publication

  • Corrections and Retractions: If errors or issues are identified post-publication, Hansen Publication will issue corrections or retractions as needed to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.

  • Feedback and Engagement: We encourage readers to provide feedback and engage with published research. Authors are expected to address any post-publication comments or inquiries related to their work.

Contact Us

For any questions about the peer review process or to inquire about the status of your submission, please contact us at We are committed to providing support and ensuring a transparent and efficient review process.

Thank you for contributing to the academic rigor and quality of research published through Hansen Publication.